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31 May, 2013

What is High Frequency Trading?

High-frequency trading is an innovative investment strategy that allows us to place multiple buy/sell orders on a range of securities during the course of the day. Highly sophisticated software, designed by our in-house IT team, follows market trends and is able to make informed trading decisions with little intervention from portfolio managers. This strategy allows capital to be invested into securities for no more than a few minutes and therefore risks associated with high-frequency trading are minimal.

This means that firms such us ourselves are not exposed to risks associated with market downturns.

There are several reasons why high-frequency trading does not involve the same amount of risk as conventional equity trading. First, firms that utilize high-frequency trading do not accumulate positions. This means that firms such us ourselves are not exposed to risks associated with market downturns. Second, high-frequency trading does not require firms to employ significant leverage, thereby limiting a firm's exposure to risks associated with the inherent instability of equity markets. Lastly, firms engaged in high-frequency trading usually liquidate all their positions at the end of the day, thereby limiting the risk of losses that may occur in after-hours trading.

Compare our Portfolios

The table below represents a comparison of our portfolios' key indicators:
Growth and Income Portfolio
Estimated earnings range 3.0% - 8% per week
Minimum guaranteed earnings 3.0% per week
Minimum term 180 calendar days
Early withdrawal penalty 60%
Reinvestment option 50 to 100%
Minimum deposit $100
Active Trader Portfolio
Estimated earnings range 2.5% - 6% per week
Minimum guaranteed earnings 2.5% per week
Minimum term 90 calendar days
Early withdrawal penalty 40%
Reinvestment option 0 to 100%
Minimum deposit $100
Easy Saver Portfolio
Estimated earnings range 2.0% - 5% per week
Minimum guaranteed earnings 2.0% per week
Minimum term 30 calendar days
Early withdrawal penalty 25%
Reinvestment option 0 to 100%
Minimum deposit $100

Which Portfolio Should I choose?

The choice of portfolio depends on your investment goals, day-to-day financial needs and attitude toward risk. Our portfolios have been specifically designed to match the requirements of most potential investors.

Our portfolios are constructed in such a way as to generate higher revenue in return for longer capital commitments.

Our portfolios are constructed in such a way as to generate higher revenue in return for longer capital commitments. If your goal is to save for a large expense, and your current income is sufficient to cover day-to-day expenses, you should consider choosing our Aggressive Growth and Income portfolio.
If you feel that you need some additional income, and that there is a possibility you may need to withdraw a substantial portion from your account in the near future, you should consider either the Easy Saver or the Active Trader portfolio, as these portfolios do not involve the long term commitment of capital.
You are also free to choose a combination of the three. For example, if you are planning to invest $20,000 and know that you might need to withdraw $10,000 of that within the next three months, you can deposit that amount into our Easy Saver portfolio and the rest into one of the other two portfolios. Should you desire, our accredited financial advisors are available to offer expert advice on this matter.

Private Clients

Our private clients benefit from reduced management fees, special terms on investment and assistance from a dedicated account manager. In order to qualify for a private client account you must invest a minimum of $200,000 with Mutual Wealth portfolios. Your net holdings with us should not fall below $100,000 at any time.

Private clients receive an 80% discount on management fees charged on income from investment portfolios. Additionally, private clients are exempt from wire transfer charges.

Private clients are also exempt from penalties that apply to early withdrawals provided their net balance stays above the minimum $100,000.
A dedicated account manager will be assigned to every new private client. The manager will be reachable via telephone, e-mail or fax. Each account manager has no more than 10 private clients assigned to him or her at any one time.
Private clients are offered access to some investment products that are not available to the general public. Please contact our private and institutional client account team for further information on these products.

The History of Our Firm

MWF Financial Limited was founded in 2009 with the purpose of bringing the benefits of high-frequency trading to the general public. Cofounders James McCoy and Robert Lansen, former equity-trading specialists, established MWF's corporate headquarters in Hong Kong with a secondary office in New York housing a data-centre interconnected with the trading floors of the major exchanges in the United States.

Mutual Wealth is a registered trademark of MWF Financial Limited.

As a corporation registered in Cyprus, MWF Financial Limited maintains a small office in Limassol, where corporate account management, administration, banking and secretarial functions are carried out by a small staff. With 40 professionals employed in three countries, $80 million under active management, and a growing client base, MWF aims to remain under its current management. We are not and will not be seeking an IPO.
Mutual Wealth is a registered trademark of MWF Financial Limited.

For more details on opening an account, go to or call our Accredited Advisor +2348095041227, +2348127923822

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